II Corinthians 4:5-7

"For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, Who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."

September 5th

« September 2011 »

"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in Me." John 14:1

Most of us are tied to some work, be it a trade, business or profession. A considerable amount of thought is required unto its accomplishment. THAT is neutral. Yet even therein, error may enter, such as doubts with reference to its outcome. An employee may fear tomorrow. (Will I get fired? Will the business collapse? etc.) We attend to our business diligently and in the absoluteness of honesty; we execute our duties faithfully. Ever proceeding IN THE MIND OF CHRIST, we never fear nor worry, for WE ARE IN HIS HAND.

It was stated, "we are approaching Truth's Highway." Have you ever reflected on the fact that our Lord said: "I AM The Way; The TRUTH..." (Jn. 14:6)? But our Christian theologians who instruct the priests and Protestant clergy, declare that a number of His statements must be interpreted! Those interpretations of His words when contrary to their face value, imply that He was a deceiver! Yet He stated "I AM THE TRUTH"! Could TRUTH lie? Or even mislead?

When TRUTH you accept and strive to fully live, then entrance is made to its "forty" (a period of testing). As that fills, then joyously smooth and straight is the Highroad before you. And, in the flesh, you become a manifestation thereof unto many, or even multitudes....

As ancient Jewry rejected the Christ, similarly have the lands of Christendom – except in word with tongue-in-cheek! And, as His disciples never "believed into Him"; never achieving the Kingdom of God within: similarly with our theologians, priests, ministers, and their flocks!

The consequence of that Satanic folly 192 centuries ago led to their Passover in 70 A.D. and dispersion among the Gentiles. Although now back in their homeland, their daily life can be likened to a state of war!

Somewhat similarly unto Gentile Christendom. While Christ and "the Holy Mother" are propagandized, Christendom is on the Devil's Highway, with "hell" shortly ahead! But because He paid the price to ransom us, there shall be a minute percentage who fill Revelation 14:2-5. By means of their ministry when returned, and the dread Tribulation, A NEW ERA SHALL OPEN FOR BOTH JEW AND GENTILE.

Now, OUR TIME IS SHORT! May Christ strengthen you to fully live for Him.

Chat 9/1990

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