II Corinthians 4:5-7

"For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, Who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."

Lesson 30: HEAR "THE" FAITH

« May 2010 »

"...Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall He find [the] faith on the earth?" Luke 18:8

"And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day." Genesis 1:3-5

Good morning, friends! This day let the light of God's Truth shine into your life – that your path may be bright, and filled with happiness.

Far too long has been this night of spiritual darkness, wherein our spiritual leaders have but muttered in the stupor of sleep. And during its nightmare man has been taught that he must expect to suffer much here and now, that in the sweet by-and-by he may get pie in the sky – and that only by the grace of God.

HEAR The Voice of Tomorrow: You cannot find sound Scripture-backing for such an abominable teaching! God is a GOOD GOD; He is a compassionate Father; He loves His Own.

You have been told that the Son of God came to atone for the sins of man, and that this "redemption" He wrought for us applies entirely to the "soul" of man, which, in the mists of a nebulous world of man's hoped-for tomorrow, may find bliss.

HEAR The Voice of Tomorrow: you cannot find sound Scripture-backing for such beliefs.

IF the teachings commonly accepted by Christendom today are true, then what will you do with the prophetic words of the Christ when His all-seeing eye looked into our very day and said, "When the Son of man returneth, indeed will He find THE faith on earth?" I have quoted to you from the original Greek. The eight oldest Greek manuscripts in existence all have the definite article "the" preceding faith; that is, THE faith, or the true faith. Just why the translators left out that definite article I will leave for you to answer. Now, I repeat: Just what are you going to do with that prophetic statement of the Christ, IF you believe that we of today have THE true faith? Yet another question I ask: what are you going to do with His other prophetic forecast for our Christian era, wherein He said that "while men slept, an enemy came and sowed the tares" (Matt. 13:25)? IF it is but the true teachings of the Christ we have today, then what has happened to the tares? The Lord said that the tares should be permitted to grow right into the time of the harvest (Matt. 13:30). It does no good to say that the tares are evil men, for evil characters have ever been in the world. The good seed which Christ the Planter sowed, was TRUTH. Inescapably, then, the evil seed becomes UNtruth.

HEAR The Voice of Tomorrow: that glorious work of redemption which the Son of God accomplished for you and me, was for our HERE and for our NOW.

When we want to do something for China, we go to China; when something for Egypt, we go to Egypt; when something for a forest, we go into that forest, or if something for a river, we go to that river. Maybe we could err in our reasoning, but does it not seem logical that if God wanted to accomplish something only for the SOUL of man, that He would have gone and confined His work to the SOUL-world, instead of coming to the earthly? Does it not appear reasonable that His coming to earth meant that He had a work to do for EARTH-man – for man's HERE and NOW?

HEAR the words of the Lord to Martha when she had told Him she knew her brother would rise again in the resurrection at the last day: "I AM the resurrection, and the life" (Jn. 11:25). HE didn't say He would be, but rather is a present reality NOW.

When the blind, the lame, the deaf and sick came to Him for healing, did He ever tell them to bear up stoically under their suffering in order that in the sweet by-and-by they would get their pie? NEVER! But rather, "according to their faith" would their rewards be right here and now. And in that eternal NOW they received their sight and their soundness for the present moment in THIS world.

God is a Realist: He lives in the present and He deals with this moment. THAT is why the Son of God came into this physical world to redeem the body of flesh for man's good, HERE and NOW.

Were not Adam and Eve people of human flesh? Were not their sins committed in the flesh? Was not their punishment – so far as man knows – confined to the bodies of flesh? IF you have read your Bible, you will know the correctness of these statements. Therefore, when God decided the time was at hand to "destroy the works of the Devil," naturally He came into human flesh to deal with the sins wrought in the flesh. Because man's sins done in the flesh produced disastrous results for the flesh (sorrow, sickness and death), then it follows inescapably that any redemption wrought for man, must manifest its good fruit here and right NOW.

To claim that the finished work of redemption God wrought in the flesh accomplished nothing for the flesh, but merely a hopeso salvation for the soul (which man knows nothing about), becomes but the nightmarish babblings of the very simple in their stupor of sleep. And THAT predicted the Christ in saying that "night" would come "when no one could work."

HEAR The Voice of Tomorrow: God is a REALIST Who dwells in the present and deals with this moment. THAT said the Christ in many different ways. His frequent "I AM" enraged the Jews, for it was the very Name of God given to Moses. That very Name intended to convey to the people a God for the present moment. Again said the Christ: "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof" (Matt. 6:34). In other words, we live NOW, and that ever-present moment is all that should concern us. Wherefore, God wrought accordingly (that is, for our TODAY: for our HERE and for our NOW).

Jesus the Christ accused the theologians of His day in having "taken away the key of knowledge" (Lk. 11:52). That we might better understand what He meant, He went on to tell them that they "entered not in themselves and prevented those who were entering." Manifestly, it was the "kingdom" entry He was talking about, for, THAT was the basic foundation for His entire teaching.

His words meant that there had been a known KEY in existence – known to the priesthood. Maybe you have heard it interpreted differently, but it is quite clear that it was the same "key" that He restored and delivered to Peter (Matt. 16:18-19).

What happened to it? The same as of old: the story repeated. For, when "night" had come, the Enemy entered to sow the spurious seed – while men slept.…

WHY should it be so difficult for you to believe that Christ wrought a good work for man's present moment? Since He predicted that the true faith would again soon vanish and darkness replace it, WHY NOT REexamine the teachings of the Christ? WHY not take a fresh look? It need not cost you anything.

God has granted me hundreds of revelations to show forth light where darkness reigned before. HE has also given me the privilege to commence restoring these KEYS. And what I have I am willing to share with you. Therefore, I repeat: it need not necessarily cost you anything to test out the Kingdom Keys – keys for the present moment unto your success, peace and happiness.

These Keys of Knowledge unto the Kingdom joys here and now involve far too much to be covered in a short message. Therefore have they been put into print – that no portion can get missed, or forgotten. They do not sell at a price, but are yours for the asking. They also involve a strictly personal service. Therefore, order The Kingdom Keys, that you may swiftly start enjoying the blessings of Almighty God, achieved for us on Calvary's Cross by the very Son of God.

Do you not owe this much to yourself, to find out for yourself?

The first recorded revelation of God to man tells us that God said "Let there be light." And, "there was light" (Gen. 1:3). Remember that this was on the 1st day, while we are not told about the sun, moon and stars until the 4th day (verses 16-19), and no form of sentient life until the 5th day (verses 20-23). Did God need light to see? Or, for whom was light created on the first day when no sentient life appeared until the 5th day? Whereby we are expected to understand that the "light" God spoke about was a SPIRITUAL light, for "God is a spirit" (Jn. 4:24).

In keeping with this basic Truth, the Christ said that while He was on earth He constituted the LIGHT of the world (Jn. 9:5). HE meant a SPIRITUAL light (for the world), for there is no hint ever given us that His person so shone as to give light to people at night. Only on the Mount of Transfiguration is it recorded that He briefly shone. And then to complete the thought He added, "...but NIGHT cometh when no one can work" (Jn. 9:4).

Here the Christ restated Genesis 1:35, to show us what kind of Day and Night God had been talking about.

And, in that He said NIGHT would again suddenly overtake us, He forecast precisely what I have been telling you – that men would be so carnal they would fall asleep, giving the enemy the chance to steal in and sow the counterfeit seed; that this counterfeit seed would grow so profusely to the choking out of the good, that, on His return to earth, He questioned as to whether or not He would find THE true faith anywhere.

Beloved of God, it is time you wake up. Already the early risers see the golden rays of the returning Daystar shooting high over the spiritual horizon. No doubt we may have much left to learn, but already there is an abundance of evidence on hand testifying to the fact that at least sufficient of the Kingdom Keys have already been restored to yield wonderful results to those who will use them, faithfully and conscientiously.

As we continue reading in the Creation account, we find that on the 2nd day God DIVIDED between the upper and the lower waters. This place of division, in the Bible called the firmament, God named Heaven.

Here I don't mean to say that we shouldn't accept Bible statements at face value, but I do say that we shouldn't stop there, for the Word of God is too great to be confined to one small page. Therefore, God is here telling us more than merely about the atmospheric heaven and its moisture. Let us look:

"...The WATERS which thou sawest…are peoples and...nations, and tongues." Revelation 17:15

Here, then, we see where He uses waters to symbolize the human masses. So, in His separating the ones above from the ones below, He shows us that man and all that he stands for, God separates into upper and lower categories: the heavenly and the earthly. We would understand it better were we to say "soul" instead of "man"; for, often in Scripture "soul" is used in place of "man."

THAT, then, becomes the second step according to God's pattern. We look to Him and His Word to receive the spiritual LIGHT of understanding as the first step. Having come to understanding, we are to separate between the heavenly and the earthly. THAT is why the Christ said it was better to lay up treasures in heaven where neither moth or rust corrupts, rather than the earthly, which can be plundered, and decays.

THIS is a little portion of the restored Kingdom Keys – yet that one portion which is so difficult for the multitudes to receive. Having been born into Lucifer's kingdom, and brought up in the distorted light of his realm, man is so set on everything pertaining to earth and flesh, that he makes these his FIRST. This is error, said the Christ. THAT is the difficult part for man to receive and live.

Yet this very Truth can be discerned if we look at an earthly home. Has not God declared that man was created in the image of God and after His Own likeness? Therefore we look to man to KNOW God.

Take the home of normal parents; DOs and DON'Ts are given. Just suppose a young girl starts fixing her supper instead of watching the baby as told; or that a young boy spends his time trying to nail half-soles onto his shoes instead of keeping the hens and calf out of the garden. Are not these children likely to be reprimanded? And told something like this: "It is I who always fixes a good supper for the children who do what they are asked." The right parent expects so little of the children outside of obedience; THAT is looked upon as being of the utmost importance.

In spirit we are still but wee little children before God. So, IF, as and when He sees us attaching the utmost importance to His injunctions, that means so much to Him that He lifts His hand to bless, and sees to all our needs being supplied. WHEN we have the Kingdom Keys and faithfully use them, God becomes our friend and guardian, and "great rich uncle."

***"And Samuel said, Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams." *** I Samuel 15:22 (RSV)

When you KNOW the Laws of His Kingdom, then are you in a position to keep them.

Because the long "night" has been so dark, the people are in ignorance; yet now is breaking the glorious dawn….

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