II Corinthians 4:5-7

"For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, Who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."


« July 2010 »

"…the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." Revelation 19:10

"And He had in His right hand seven stars: and out of His mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and His countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength." Revelation 1:16

"Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel." Psalm 78:41

Greetings, friends; and I have wonderful news for you at this moment: this will be a most wonderful day for you IF only you will let the glorious light of Christ shine into your life this day!

You may recall how I have brought to your attention the fact that "...the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy" (Rev. 19:10). That is a Bible statement. And, in the same Book of Revelation we are told how the sword which proceeds from His mouth had two edges (Rev. 2:12). So this time I have in mind to bring you one more of those messages with two edges: that is, the "gospel" of the Kingdom for the here and the now, also including the word of prophecy, which constitutes the proof, or the authority of the Spirit of God behind it.

Turn to the 14th chapter of Matthew's Gospel. This time I have in mind to deal with another of the miracles wrought by Jesus of Nazareth – the Christ of God. But WAS Jesus the Christ of God? Or was He only a very clever and shrewd man of His day? And the next logical questioning stand, which is taken by that category of people, becomes this: did He, in fact, perform any miracle whatever? Or are these alleged miracles inventions by the fertile imagination of His devout followers? Or maybe fabrications by those who thought it expedient to launch the Christian faith as a world religion?

You see, beloved, there are all kinds of people in the world, and these days in which we now live are the days of science – material science. These material sciences have so meteored during the last few decades, that the young people of our day stand in awe and agape at the fantastic progress which man has made in harnessing the energies of nature and turning them to man's good use, as well as now exploring space. Wherefore, to the mind of many, modern science takes on the form of God. Man stands in awe before our sciences and becomes prone to attribute most – if not all – of the accounts found in the Bible, to man's ignorance and superstition. Today so many are what we call "from Missouri"; that is, they demand to be shown the proof. And that, my friends, is the commission which very God has given me: to set forth the PROOF – to the end that the mouth of fools may be stopped, and that the doubting Thomas shall become fully convinced. While those who have believed shall shout with a newfound joy they never dreamt was possible.

First I want to quote to you two verses from Matthew 14 commencing at verse 15:

"And when it was evening, His disciples came to Him, saying, This is a desert place, and the time is now past; send the multitude away, that they may go into the villages, and buy themselves victuals. But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; give ye them to eat."

My dearly beloved, this is a point which I do not believe can be overemphasized: the "gospel" of the Kingdom of God for the HERE and for our NOW. When we read the few previous verses we find that after Jesus had heard that John the Baptist had been beheaded, He departed from that place where He was, going into a desert, or wilderness, in the region of Bethsaida. And when people had heard about that, multitudes trekked out of the cities to search Him down in the wilderness (verse 13).

What is the condition we expect to find in the desert or wilderness? Naturally, we are not expecting stores and supermarkets; we aren't expecting fields of corn, neither orchards loaded with fruit; no, we aren't even expecting so much as a good fishing place. In other words, NOTHING but the desert heat and drought, and maybe sandstorms.

The disciples realized that it was getting late in the day and that most people had come a considerable distance, and, therefore, ought to be sent away while it was time to come into the villages and find open markets – to buy for themselves something to eat. I think we might call that a rational psychology. Yet it is this very "rational psychology" with which I am at war! It leaves God out of the picture! It ignores the fact that Christ our Lord went all the way to Calvary to accomplish an absolutely PERFECT work of atonement, or REDEMPTION (if you prefer that word). The rational psychology of today's Christendom depends only on its own legs and own arms, brawn and brains. Today's Christendom cannot see anything outside of that. Oh to be sure, they believe in Jesus – the Son of God and of Mary, and that on Calvary He wrought a work of atonement for the human SOUL to become effective AFTER a person has died. My dearly beloved, I want to make a confession to you: I personally have given intense study to the Bible for well over thirty years, and as yet I have not found anything, anywhere in the Scripture, which sets forth such a doctrine. And I challenge whomsoever to show me....

On this particular occasion, WHAT happened? His disciples were eager to disperse the multitude, because they were ordinary men, and thought as other men. That is the trouble with Christendom of today, and even with our spiritual leaders: they are but men and think as men. And in thinking as men, they have committed the same sin as ancient Israel, of whom it is spoken, "they...LIMITED the Holy One of Israel" (Ps. 78:41). That is precisely what the 12 disciples did at the moment: they LIMITED the LORD Who was in their midst. They did not stop to realize that ALL POWER was in His hand, that at His spoken word a very universe could be created, or even dissolved!

I repeat: what happened? When He asked them what they had on hand they told Him they had but five loaves and two little fish. He requested the loaves and the fish to be brought unto Him (Matt. 14:17-18).

In some of the other accounts we find more detail, such as His requesting that the disciples seat the multitude in ranks by 50s and 100s (Mk. 6:39-40; Lk. 9:14). Of course, one company in ranks of 50 x 100 would have made 5,000. There were about 5,000 men fed, besides women and children – we are told (Matt. 14:21). Assuming that the women and the children were as many as the men, or possibly more, that then would have made up two companies of 5,000 each.

WHY were they seated in ranks of 50 x 100? THAT was the pattern on which the Mosaic Tabernacle was built: 50 cubits wide x 100 cubits long (Ex. 27:18). Aside from that casual observation, this fact speaks to us of two important factors to be understood: first, in order for the Kingdom of God to manifest, unto the people or the person, his life must be founded in the 50 and in the 100. The number 100 is God's number of manifestation to man: it is God's basic number. It links with the First Commandment – to love the Lord our God with all one's heart and soul and being. While secondly, 50 is the number of God's grace towards man, or more specifically stated: God's FREEdom-setting power – reaching even into the human soul. By this we are shown that IF we will abide in the First Commandment, and LOOK for the grace of God us-ward through Jesus Christ, then we don't have to be worried about the wilderness or the desert places: we don't have to get concerned even though we see but a very little to meet what appears to be a great need. Did He not say, "Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matt. 28:20)?

This is the joyous news I have to bring you, that Christ our Lord is our great sufficiency, right here and now, regardless of the situation! The Kingdom of God is for our HERE and for our NOW: there is not the faintest excuse for waiting until one is dead, hoping for God's grace in the future. To those who have accepted the Lamb of God, His grace enfolds us right HERE and NOW, and covers our every need. So soon as you understand, and have the Keys to the Kingdom, of which He spoke to Peter, then your daily life takes on a transformation, and soon you commence to sing. The Kingdom Keys have been put up in printed form and made available free of charge unto whomsoever will send in requesting their copy.

Look back to verse 15 and see where the disciples said, "...the time is now past." When we want to understand the hidden prophecy brought out in any of His parables or miracles, we must observe every little word and expression. So, in this particular instance of His breaking the 5 loaves and 2 fish among the multitude, it bespoke a prophecy which commenced its measure of time from some moment previous to that particular event: that is, "the time is now past." I think it is commonly understood that His breaking the bread among the multitude was an allusion to the Christian era, during which the Bread of Life would be given unto the famished multitudes.

Now, let us write down the number 5,000, which was the number of men fed, x 2. While under the line let us write down 5: those two numbers being that of the fish and loaves. When we multiply the 5,000 by 2/5, the result is 2,000. That bespoke an era of 2,000 years unto the approximate close of God's workweek of 6 1,000-year "days." But we observe that there were 12 baskets full of fragments left over, which were gathered together; in other words, a carry-over or an UNused portion. That becomes a period LESS than the full 2,000 years. To be more exact, the 12 baskets with basic units of 7, becomes 84 subtracted, leaving us 1,916 years unto the time that the 12 baskets of unused fragments were to be gathered up.

Now, to better understand the prophecy, we must consider that number in relationship to the time of Jesus' commencing His ministry. Chronologers differ, but regardless of whose chronology you use, you will arrive at a year sometime in the decade of the 1940's. For greater precision I use the Pyramid chronology, which shows the ministry of Jesus as having commenced in the year 4031, to which we add the 1,916 years, taking us to the close of 1947 A.D. But observe the statement, "...beside women and children" (verse 21). Prophetically the women refer to months, while the children to days. In other words, to the close of 1947 A.D., plus some months and days.

Do I have to remind you that there are 12 tribes of Israel? Or do I need to tell you that it was in May, 1948 that the REgathered 12 tribes of Israel declared themselves a reborn nation in Palestine? The date was May 14, 1948.

On PRECISION TIME – the prophecy of the Lord's miracle-drama was fulfilled when world Jewry declared themselves a reborn nation in the Holy Land. The 12 baskets of UNused fragments had been gathered up – "that nothing be lost" (Jn. 6:12)!

May I draw to your attention that IF Jesus of Nazareth was only a clever man of His day, then it would have been quite impossible, or certainly very unlikely, that this alleged miracle could have been hatched up in anyone's imagination in such a way as to have it corroborated by the events of history – right to the day as it were – 19 centuries later! Yet THAT is the power of God, and THAT was God's way of setting His signature, or testimony, as to the identity of Jesus the Nazarene, that we today may see and KNOW, and take heart to believe all that the Anointed One spoke.

WHEN we take full stock of these DUMBfounding miracles (PROVEN to us by the record of history), then are we expected to BELIEVE HIM. HE was not interested in performing miracles to astonish the simple people; HE sought to drive home this great truth that WHEN we are followers of Him, then regardless of the circumstances or the foreboding outlook, HE IS OUR GREAT SUFFICIENCY, and will supply all our needs! HE has the power: He only asks us to take Him at His word. Few and simple are the conditions He has laid down.

REJOICE – because the Keys to the Kingdom of God for our HERE and for our NOW have been put into printed form, and are yours FREE for the asking.

In the utmost sincerity I tell you, IF you will faithfully use the Kingdom Keys according to instructions throughout a period of 40 days, I believe you will forever bless the day you decided to try. There are joys unspeakable for those who will LEARN to USE the Keys to the Kingdom – that spiritual Kingdom of Jesus Christ (which He established for our HERE and for our NOW). Is it not written, "TODAY – if you will hear His Voice..." (Ps. 95:7-8)?

The twelve "fragments" of Israel have been gathered together – in fulfillment of His miracle-prophecy in the wilderness where He fed the multitude. And just like that will He take care of you and your needs when you use His Kingdom Keys. The Lord wants you today: not your soul tomorrow!

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