II Corinthians 4:5-7

"For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, Who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."

August 29th

« August 2011 »

"God created not the earth in vain: HE made it to be inhabited!" Isaiah 45:18

Maybe you attend church; maybe you have heard that an Almighty God created our earth and man upon it. And maybe you have heard – as millions of others have heard – that of the more than six billion hereon, most of them shall die and "go to hell" where they shall be "tormented for ever and ever!"! And, such an unspeakable HORROR is to take place "in the Presence of God and His angels"!!! Double Horrors! (If not triple!) Even by a powerful telescope, who can detect the faintest trace of BEAUTY therein?

TRUE: there "...is a broad way, whereon the many go to destruction (of the human body)" (Matt. 7:13). But "hell and the Lake of Fire" have been very distorted by theologians and portrayed by pulpit parrots as being Dante's Inferno!!

FEAR – generated by that devilish plot – has kept multitudes in ignorant servitude, that the "goose" might ever lay the golden eggs....

Perhaps we should now turn our gaze briefly, to that All-Beautiful Creator, Who in the Beauty of self-sacrifice for His children became a human being, in order to DEMONSTRATE UNTO ALL OF HUMANITY, HOW HIS CHILDREN SHOULD LIVE! THAT He did throughout a full 21 years, manifesting as Israel's Messiah.

Although Dante's Inferno portrays no truth, think not for one deceiving moment that our earth-life is but a brief day at school, then HEAVEN! Think not that the Father, Whose Heart is aflame with Love for all of His, will tolerate "bully boys" among His sons, nor prostitutes among His daughters. ALL of His must grow and learn under the tutelage of pain and suffering, until the Father's Beauty gets enshrined deep within. Then shall humanity live as one happy family, self-sacrificing for the good of others!

Chat 5/1990

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