II Corinthians 4:5-7

"For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, Who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."

September 2nd

« September 2011 »

"...behold, the Kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:21

In trying to get down to Bedrock, WHAT is it that IS WITHIN? Sure, we have an intestinal tract, stomach, and some vital organs; but such do not reign over us; hence not "the kingdom" of either category. But THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS become that which LIVE WITHIN us. Those thoughts and emotions manifest as THE DIRECTIVES in everyday life; hence THE KINGDOM of either God or the Devil!

You may drink tea, coffee, wine, or whiskey in moderation; yet thereby you do not "sin." You may harbor thoughts or emotions of lust and daydreaming; again: thereby you have not "sinned." SIN requires something to be DONE or spoken. (Rev. 20:12-13 is emphatic that we get judged "according to our WORKS.") Assuredly, I am keenly aware of the Lord's declaration regarding lusting after a woman.... Yet the most devilish lusts or imaginations are not SIN unless brought into action. But as you look back to Matthew 15 and the Lord's declaration concerning defilements, dare you say that such HAVE ANY AFFINITY WITH GOD'S KINGDOM?

Is the Lord's table covered with crawling, slimy slugs? Or, maybe great serpents devouring beautifully white doves screeching for their lives?

With these preliminary thoughts in mind, I doubt that anyone will try to refute the following statement:

Whatsoever is not good and true; whatsoever has no basic affinity with Exodus 34:6-7; whatsoever has no intrinsic affinity with the Truth-teachings by the Christ, are in affinity with the Devil, and hence a vital part of THE DEVIL'S KINGDOM!

Chat 9/1990 (continued tomorrow...)

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